It happened...the dreaded day finally came :(
I know its quick, but I can't understate how much of an inspiration Bernie is. He was the first Politician I ever felt represented by. My family has always had struggles with healthcare accessibility, dozens of friends of mine come from working class families or backgrounds, and here was a candidate who's sole claim to fame was aiming to help us. Genuinely help us.
I want to thank Senator Bernie Sanders. Even if this is going out into the void, he deserves it. I have a lot of ideas as to what I wanna do with my life, and I know nothing is guaranteed. But thanks to Bernie, I know no matter what I do I want to help people.
To sign off his campaign, here's a collection of (like 2% of mine cause I don't mess with that 1% capitalism is evil) Bernie Sanders Media I have saved on my phone I have either saved or made:

And last, but certainly not least, my magnum opus of my Bernie collection:
This has been Gus,
Thank you Bernie. The fight goes on.
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