Saturday, April 18, 2020

The final day: Please help me


genius on da track ;)
If you are reading this, I've been awake since 7:30 AM yesterday. No, I am not joking and no I am nowhere near ok with what I am doing to myself. I didn't even drink coffee I have 0 clue how I am still awake/alive right now! Anyways, What have I been doing you ask? Well, if you must know, I am making sure everything has just been laid down on the Premiere pro track before I color grade, something that I fully finished at like 4:14 AM.
(No, I did not take a picture of myself slipping into madness because Bernie was asleep and I didn't wanna bother the little man.)
Bernie sleeping on my headphones as I post this god
I wish I was him rn

Color waves go "brrrr"
After I laid everything down. I started color Correcting/grading. And while yes, most people would certainly make there two aspects of production multiple posts with multiple takes and multiple outcomes, I am not. That is for two reasons: one, its too late to do that now; two, my film is very simple in execution really I font need a ton of outtakes. Right now I have exported two cuts. The cut that has nothing but sound (the Gus cut), and the cut that's nothing but the images (the Sil cut). These two cuts will soon be combined into one mega project that...still has no name. I told Jules we should call it like a synonym of smile, some one words title like "Grin". Personally, I love one word titles and I think it fits with the Art house nature of our film.

   Anyways, I am actually dying and I will cry because of how tired I am. I have also been helping with out with the postcard and our new canva poster. Nothing has changes since the last post, I am just making sure I have covered all my bases because I've been up 26 hours. On the note of what I am helping Jules out with, I added the title "Grin" to the teaser Jules made with my footage plus I did minor grading of like once scene. See how cool it looks now?      I know I really like it it's gonna be dope on the website. I really wanna find music like that for the background of my soundscape for a scene or two but I know I could never use that song or one fully like that because it's copyrighted AF. Can I do much about that? NO, but I did find a cool super long old public access radio broadcast I am going to trim down to just fill the emptiness with. The audio design is very cool and I love that process, I have all my audios done and downloaded I just have to finish here and get to that. 

This is fittingly called the last day cause it's the last day of really intensive work cause once I am done here I am sleeping until tomorrow and then just posting the project. Yes sir, I am dying please send coffee.

Hmm, maybe that can be how I sign off.

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