Sunday, April 5, 2020

Trying to shoot w my sister: a lesson in failing

Ok so because I need to start filming, I grabbed my family's Nikon P500, I gave my sister some directions, and I tried to start shooting. 

i am going to keep this brief. It went awful. She stalled a lot of the shooting, then left 5 minutes in to go to work. I mean I have work too but she promised me she'd help. UGHGHGHGH!!!!

I asked Sil to help me, and she agreed which is great :). The one catch is that I have to wait for a week where we both have days off of work, and that could likely be two weeks from now because this week we both work every day which is rough essential labor is NOT the move right now. 

Here's some of that footage so Y'all can judge its lack of value with me:

I also got some fire B-Roll:

Anyways, when I can get going with Sil/other aspects of the project I will update, but for now I can call my shoots w my sister a bad day all around.

Once again, I don't know how to say bye.

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